Not sure the point I am trying to make, except any poster posting on the board could pass away at anytime. Now I am not saying we are " dead men walking" but I think I am deeply skeptical of elevating strong posters who passed away, and failing to recognize the many posters who were less prominent and had less impact but sadly now R.I.P.
What I am saying is when I was at the K.H, I noticed how those that were not baptized were treated when they passed away. I always remember a strong family in the truth had a son who died from illness, and as the son was not baptized and had his problems, it was as though the congregation thought him not worthy of mourning. I never understood why his parents didn't tell the congregation to f...k o..ff. I mean the son wasn't even allowed a "proper" witness funeral. I noted his mother was devastated by her sons death, and I won't judge her, but the way she was treated by the elders and congregation at this time really pissed me off. I visited her with my wife many times, but I once visited her on the ministry with an elder and she was smoking,or at least the cigarette packet was clearly we left I said "those cigarettes are between us" and I believe they were.